"Boarderline madness!"
Fantasy and movement on water, land and up in the air!
With its unique combination of a longer walk, art installations and dance performances accompanied to live music, Draumefangaren aka. The Dream Catcher, is FRIKAR's largest production to date. After having sold out all the performances in both 2018 and 2019, FRIKAR has collected the most exciting sections in a unique presentation for you and your event.
"FRIKAR are undoubtably masters in creating iconic images. Hallgrim has a very good eye for compositions which include the body, rocks, ropes, trees and water. The people involved in this production are a part of an extreme presentation, which contributes to a level of excitement which sometimes pushes people to the edge of their seat." - Editor in Avisa Valdres.
Please get in touch with Hallgrim Hansegård at (+47) 47611547 or art@frikar.com for booking and inquiries.